Thanks for this article! Here's a bit of trivia I discovered recently: Matsubayashi Samanotsuke Nagayoshi is the inventor of shuriken (throwing stars). However, he is better known by his nickname "Henyasai," which apparently means "The Bat!"
I loved this article! I explore caves and frequently encounter bats. They're such fascinating animals! I really liked the artwork you shared and the stories about them. People in the US who explore caves often have a yellow sticker with two bats on our vehicles.
Thanks for your comment Jennifer. I'm so glad you enjoyed the article and art. Your cave explorations sound fascinating...but I think I'd be quite terrified. I love that the stickers have bats, that's very cool. 🦇
Fascinating article, thank you. Those bat yokai are sure creepy...apparently some of them also refer to flying squirrels. Japanese wiki had this print, which I thought you might enjoy:)
Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the link to the print, that's a great one!
Thanks for this article! Here's a bit of trivia I discovered recently: Matsubayashi Samanotsuke Nagayoshi is the inventor of shuriken (throwing stars). However, he is better known by his nickname "Henyasai," which apparently means "The Bat!"
Oh that is really interesting, thanks so much for sharing.
I loved this article! I explore caves and frequently encounter bats. They're such fascinating animals! I really liked the artwork you shared and the stories about them. People in the US who explore caves often have a yellow sticker with two bats on our vehicles.
Thanks for your comment Jennifer. I'm so glad you enjoyed the article and art. Your cave explorations sound fascinating...but I think I'd be quite terrified. I love that the stickers have bats, that's very cool. 🦇
Great work; thanx; as a collector of japanese art found it very informative.. kep up with good work..
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words, I really appreciate your support and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. 😊